Thursday, June 27, 2013

PaidToBuildYourList System

My primary goal in creating the PaidToBuildYourList System stems from my years of being an online marketer. During which time, the number of people I have seen fail at online businesses compared to the number I have seen succeed is like comparing a “mountain to an ant hill.”
I have often thought, if people really knew how much time I have spent learning and applying over and over again until I finally developed effective skills that led to a successful online business, they may consider “digging ditches” for a living to be a better alternative.
And if you could count on an honest answer from all the others who have been successful online, they would tell you the same thing… it takes a TON of time to learn and apply, and it definitely isn’t easy as many want you to believe so you’ll buy what they have to offer.
What makes this process so difficult and why do so many fail at it?
I believe there are several reasons, however, I believe one of the primary reasons for failure is because most people focus on the wrong thing and don’t have a clue how to generate on a daily basis a list of targeted contacts (leads) for their business, regardless of what business they are promoting. This isn’t just something important to do or learn, IT IS CRITICAL to one’s success.
The money truly is in the list!
One night, in early January 2013, not long after I had just spent $2,500 to run a “solo ad” with one of these online marketing ”GURUS,” and after having wrestled for years seeing the hoards of people fail online, I woke up with the PaidToBuildYourList (PBL) concept.
The peices of this list building concept seemed to come together on that night. Actually, they were a culmination of 5 years worth of experiences but the stars all seemed to align that night. It took the next 6 months to put it all together.
It is a very simple but very effective concept. In a nutshell, the PBL System leverages the efforts of one another to help each other build a “GURU” sized contact list and each List Builder will get paid $5 instantly for every person added to their list regardless who adds them.
Pretty cool!
Whether you want to have more Facebook friends, Twitter followers and/or prospects for your business, or just plain make more connections with people all over the world, the PBL System was created to help you accomplish it.
Oh and before I forget, the PBL System can help you make an extra few hundred to thousands of dollars each month, all while building a list, not waiting until you have a list.
All we are doing is using a different twist on the same strategy the vast majority of the onlinemarketing “GURUS” already use, except instead of paying them, YOU GET PAID!
As I mentioned in the video, if you have been around online marketing for very long, you soon realize that those who would be considered online marketing “GURUS” use a leveraged marketing approach that brings in huge numbers of new contacts on a regular basis.
Here is how the “GURUS” do it…
They create a new product or service and then they promote it to each other’s email list, Facebook friends, Twitter followers and the myriad of other social networking communities.
This exponentially builds their list from the contacts they gather from ALL of their other online marketing “GURU” pals (they leverage the efforts and the lists of others). Then they simply create another product or service and do it over and over again.
If you haven’t achieved the status (A BIG LIST) or have a brilliant product idea to be accepted into this upper echelon online marketing community, then you can pay the “GURUS” with these so called, “big & responsive lists…”
…they will run what they call a “solo ad” for you, which is nothing more than them sending out a promotion plug for your website and/or program to their list on your behalf. In essence they are sharing their contacts with you, for a hefty price of course.
Let’s take a quick look at Facebook & Twitter which is nothing more than the same concept…
What is the underlying power behind Facebook, Twitter or any of the other social networking giants out there?
Leverage! Leverage! Leverage!
Those with lots of friends and followers got them in essence by doing the same thing as the online marketing “GURUS” but in a slightly different way.
If you haven’t quite grasp this concept yet, it goes pretty much like this…
…you start out with a handful of personal friends or contacts who liked what Facebook or Twitter had to offer and so they link to your Facebook or Twitter page. You then post, you like, you share, and you tweet so you’ll attract more friends or followers from your friends and followers and then even more friends & followers from your new found friends and followers you got from your original handful of friends and followers and so on…
With a consistent effort and making good connections, soon your initial handful of friends & followers seem insignificant as they have exponentially grown and continue to grow daily. But it all started with you and then a few other people sharing.
Facebook has become a GIANT because they LEVERAGED the efforts of others. Think about the fact that they started with 3 college students who helped form and share the initial social community back in February 2009 and today (2013), they have over a BILLION members.
Twitter’s story is very similar except it was started by just one man in July of 2006 and by the end of 2012 had over a HALF A BILLION registered users.
In a nutshell, what happens with the online marketing “GURUS,” and on Facebook & Twitter is nothing more than people sharing their contacts, friends & followers in exchange for gathering more contacts, friends & followers from those they’ve shared with. Hence, Friends, Followers & lists grow rapidly and exponentially through these leveraged connections.
Facebook & Twitter more than likely LEVERAGED your efforts or are doing so now as you participate in helping them exponentially grow. However, it is pretty safe to say, you haven’t been paid a dime from either of them for growing your list of friends or followers.
That is about to change…
…the PBL System uses this same LEVERAGING and CONTACT SHARING concept BUT provides all users the opportunity to build a LARGE LIST rapidly and get paid (instantly) for doing so.
Here is the best part…
You get to use our leverage system to build a GIGANTIC LIST without the HIGH cost and all of the pains taking headaches of building your own website, creating videos, products and the dozens of other frustrating and time consuming activities associated with creating an effective online presence.
We have spent a significant amount of money and countless hours in creating the PBL System so you don’t have to, but you get to reap the rewards from it.
Click the link below and watch this short Video:

Moving Mountains New Release Book.

This entry was posted in Empower Network

About The Author: 

Larry_Spates,Author,Pastor, Christian Counseling,Motivational Speaker,Spiritual Mentor, Evangelist, Feeding The Leader Within You.#MovingMountains Winston-Salem NC ·

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